Monday, February 19, 2007

Light On Snow/Anita Shreve

Description: The events of a December afternoon, during which a father and his daughter find an abandoned infant in the snow, will forever alter the 11-year-old girl's understanding of the world and the adults who inhabit it: a father who has taken great pains to remove himself from society in order to put an unthinkable tragedy behind him; a young woman who must live with the consequences of the terrible choices she has made; and a detective whose cleverness is exceeded only by his sense of justice.

Comments: This is the first book I've read by this author. The story is intriguing and true and holds the attention until the end but the conclusion falls short. Shreve seemed to wrap up the story too quickly and simply for my taste. This may be accountable to the fact that the narrator tells the story 20 years after the events occur. I'd recommend this title when you're looking for something to wile away a lazy, perhaps snowy, afternoon.

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