Saturday, February 28, 2009

Raising Hope/Katie Willard


"There couldn't have been two more dissimilar girls in the town of Ridley Falls, New Hampshire. Ruth Teller, raised by a hardworking single mother, barely scraped through high school before she settled into a minimum-wage job. Sara Lynn Hoffman, doted upon by her well-to-do parents, graduated class valedictorian before conquering college and law school. Their paths shouldn't have crossed again, but life threw them some curveballs and now they are sharing a house...and more. Together, they are raising a girl named Hope, who came into their lives as an infant and changed everything." "Set in the summer of Hope's twelfth year and moving back and forth in time, this is the story of an unlikely family. It's the story of Hope, on the edge of growing up and yearning to find out everything she can about her birth parents. It's also the story of Ruth and Sara Lynn - the girls they once were and the women they've become. Finally, it's the story of Aimee, Sara Lynn's mother, and Mary, Ruth's mother - both of whom formed their daughters for better and for worse." Told from the perspectives of four unique female voices from three generations, this debut novel is about mothers, daughters, and the power of family love.


I picked this up at the library before realizing I had already read it. I went ahead and read it again as it was an easy, "feel-good" read. This was precisely the reason I began blogging the books I read.

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